Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference (한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.05a
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- Pages.782-785
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- 2006
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- 1598-2548(pISSN)
Experimental Study on Power Flow Analysis of Vibration of an Automobile Door
자동차 도어 진동의 파워흐름해석에 대한 실험적 연구
- Kil, H.G. ;
Lee, Y.H.
- Lee, G.H. ;
- Hwang, S.G. ;
- Hong, S.Y. ;
- Park, Y.H. ;
- Seo, J.K. ;
- Chae, G.S. ;
- Seo, S.H.
- 길현권 (수원대학교 기계공학과) ;
((주) 에이 브이 티) ;
- 이규형 (수원대학교 기계공학과) ;
- 황성국 (수원대학교 기계공학과) ;
- 홍석윤 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과) ;
- 박영호 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과) ;
- 서진관 ((주)현대자동차) ;
- 채기상 ((주)현대자동차) ;
- 서성훈 ((주)현대자동차)
- Published : 2006.05.01
The Power Flow Analysis(PFA) can be effectively used to predict structural vibration in medium-to-high frequency range. In this paper, Power Flow Finite Element Method (PFFEM) based on PFA has been used to predict the vibration of an automobile door. The predicted results for the frequency response function of the door have been compared with corresponding experimental results. In the experiment, the automobile door has been divided into several subsystems and the loss factor of each subsystem has been measured. The input mobility at a source point has been also measured. The data for the loss factors and the input mobility have been used as the input data to predict the vibration of the automobile door with PFFEM. The frequency response functions have been measured over the surface of the door. The comparison between the experimental results and the predicted results for the frequency response functions showed that PFFEM could be an effective tool to predict the structural vibration.