파괴 메커니즘을 고려한 내부 포스트텐션 플랫 플레이트 슬래브-기둥 접합부의 강도식 평가

Strength of Interior Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Slab-Column Connection based on Failure Mechanism

  • 김민남 (한양대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 하상수 (한양대학교 건설공학연구소) ;
  • 이리형 (한양대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.11


A bending moment $M_u$ transferred at slab-column connection is resisted at the slab critical section by flexure and shear. The ACI 318-05 Building Code(1) gives an empirical equation for the fraction ${\gamma}_{\upsilon}$ of the moment $M_u$ to be transferred by shear at the slab critical section at d/2 from the column face and also the effective wide(c+3h). The equation is based on tests of interior slab-column connections without shear reinforcement. In order to investigate the data eight test specimens were examined. The test shows that increased slab load substantially reduces both the unbalanced moment capacity and the lateral drift capacity of the connection. Especially, the specimens with the bottom reinforcement existence and nonexistence, appears remarkable differences. Studies also show that the code equation for ${\gamma}_{\upsilon}$ does not apply to all cases. The purpose of this study is to compare the test results with present ACI 318-05 Building Code provisions for design of slab-column connections and with the analysis of the experimental data for a new limitation of strength equation without shear reinforcement and bottom reinforcement.
