Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference (한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.11a
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- Pages.745-748
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- 2006
Fundamental Properties and Spalling Resistance of High Strength Concrete Containing Hybrid Organic fiber
복합유기섬유를 사용한 고강도 콘크리트의 기초특성 및 폭렬방지
- Pei, Chang-Chun ;
- Han, Dong-Yeop ;
Lee, Jin-Woo
- Han, Chang-Pyung ;
- Yang, Seong-Hwan ;
Han, Cheon-Goo
- 배장춘 (청주대학교 대학원) ;
- 한동엽 (서울대학교 대학원) ;
(두산산업개발(주) RC연구개발팀) ;
- 한창평 ((주)한성종합기술단건축사사무소 기술연구소) ;
- 양성환 (인천전문대학 건축과) ;
(청주대학교 건축공학부)
- Published : 2006.11.04
This study investigates the fundamental properties and examines spalling appearances and residual compressive strength of high strength concrete containing hybrid organic fibers subjected to fire. Test showed that overall, an increase of fiber content decreased the fluidity of concrete, but specimens containing polyvinyl alcoho(PVA)+polypropylene(PP) fiber and nylon(NY)+PP fiber had improved flow. In addition, the air content of all specimens was properly ranged in target value, regardless of fiber content. As for the spalling properties when completed the fire test, control concrete exhibited spalling occurrence due to sudden elevated temperature. However, specimens containing more than 0.1 vol% of PP fiber prevented the spalling, while specimens containing PP+CL and PVA+PP fiber can protected from fire in more than 0.15vol% of the fiber content. Importantly, a specimen containing only 0.05vol% of NY+PP showed the favorable spalling resistance performance.