Development of an Optimum Void Detection Chart using Heat Transfer Simulation

열전달 시뮬레이션을 통한 최적공극탐지 차트개발

  • 최현호 (한양대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 박진형 (한양대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 지광습 (고려대학교 사회환경시스템공학과)
  • Published : 2006.11.04


It is essential to develop a large capacity, non-contact nondestructive inspection system having high reliability to investigate repaired and strengthened structures. Nowadays, an infrared camera is widely used in non-contact nondestructive inspection system. Because an infrared camera is sensitive to the surrounding environment, it is necessary to improve a sensitivity of thermal image information and a relationship between defects and thermal image information. In this papaer, presented is an optimum void detection chart for the optimum conditions to detect infrared rays from inside and outside defects like voids and cracks in concrete structures using extensive computer simulation. Sensitivity studies are performed with respect to variables influencing the temperature distribution such as heating temperature, heating time, and geometries of defect, etc. It may be stated that it could be successfully utilized for the non-contact nondestructive inspection system to detect defects in concrete structures.
