Synthesis and Mesomorphism of Polymers with Banana-Shaped Mesogens in the Main Chain

  • Choi, E-Joon (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Zin, Wang-Cheol (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science) ;
  • Kim, Young-Chul (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Paek, Sang-Hyon (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Chien, Liang-Chy (Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University) ;
  • Samulski, Edward T. (Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.22


In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of azomethine-ester polymers that consist of banana-shaped mesogen in their backbone. Two parts of the key structure of five-ring bent-core mesogen were modified by connecting different angle of central unit (Ar), and introducing lateral substituent into the outer ring (X). The synthetic details includes (1) placing the dioxydodecamethylene unit as a flexible spacer, (2) possessing 2,3- or 2,7-naphthylene, or 1,2-phenylene connection on the central unit, and (3) introducing fluorine or chlorine substituent (X = F or Cl) into the outer phenylene unit.
