Establishing CCT Diagrams for Sinter Hardening Grade Cr-Mo Prealloyed Steels

  • Stetina, G. (Miba Sinter Austria GmbH) ;
  • Kalss, G. (Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • Gierl, C. (Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • Danninger, H. (Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • Orth, P. (Miba Sinter Austria GmbH)
  • Published : 2006.09.24


A CCT diagram for Cr-Mo prealloyed sintered steels suitable for sinter hardening was established by combining dilatometry data, microstructural studies and microhardness measurements of the material. CCT diagrams deepen the understanding of material properties after sinter hardening and support the design of materials on an industrial scale by providing information about required cooling rates for successful sinter hardening of these materials.
