Development of Exhaust Valve Seat Material for the High Performance Engine

  • Oshige, Hiroshi (No.1111 Nogi Nogi-Machi Shimotsuga-Gun, Tochigi-Pref, Japan) ;
  • Takahashi, Teruo (No.1111 Nogi Nogi-Machi Shimotsuga-Gun, Tochigi-Pref, Japan)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.24


In late years, from a trend for ecology of auto motive engine, low emission and low fuel consumption of engine become a social assignment. At the same time, the high output (high efficiency) is required, too. In order to meet those requirements, in comparison with conventional engines, lean A/F (Air fuel ratio) setting is becoming popular for the high performance engines of late years. Exhaust valve seat (sintered material) used in these engines has a problem in wear resistance, because it is exposed to the surroundings that is clean and a high temperature in comparison with the conventional engines. Therefore, wear mechanism with lean A/F of engine was analyzed.The exhaust valve seat (sintered material), that was superior in wear resistance, was developed.
