Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.07b
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- Pages.1008-1009
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- 2006
The unbalance compensation methode of PWM converter in a Utility interactive Photovoltaic Generation System
계통연계형 태양광발전 시스템의 불평형 보상기법
- Lee, J.H. (Myongji Univ.) ;
- Shin, C.J. (Myongji Univ.) ;
- Jeon, K.Y. (SBC) ;
- Bak, C.W. (FR-TECH) ;
Chun, J.Y.
(Ajou motor Col.) ;
- Lee, S.C. (Young Hwa. E) ;
Oh, B.H.
(Myongji Col.) ;
- Chung, C.B. (KTME) ;
Han, K.H.
(Myongji Univ.)
- 이재훈 (명지대학교) ;
- 신철준 (명지대학교) ;
- 전기영 (중소기업진흥공단) ;
- 박춘우 ;
(아주자동차대학) ;
- 이상집 (영화전기) ;
(명지전문대학) ;
- 정춘병 ((주)한국종합기계엔지니어링) ;
- Published : 2006.07.12
There is an application which uses smoothing reacter connecting each of the phases in order to make the system smaller comparison with an application using the insulating transformer in the utility interactive photovoltaic generation system using the PWM converter. In this case, there might be the occurence of the unbalance of output voltage, by the difference of smoothing reactor, connected on each of the lines. Therefore this study proposes that the method which maintains the balance and compensates the unblance which occured by the different volume of the smoothing reactor connected on each of the lines.