Buck and Boost Photovoltaic Converter Driving Schemes under Low power level

태양광 저에너지 출력을 위한 Buck, Boost 컨버터 구동방식

  • Published : 2005.07.04


Normally, the buck converter is used for the charging converter of photovoltaic generator because this converter has good characteristics compare with boost and buck-booster converter But, in case of the sollar-cell voltage is lower than charging voltage, we cannot charge the sollar energy to the charger. So, in this paper, we proposed the novel hybrid converter using by combination of buck and boost converter for the charging converter of photovoltaic generator, as a results, it can operate buck, boost and buck-boost mode. The proposed novel converter has the same characteristics of the existent buck converter and furthermore it can operate as a boost converter. So, we can make the more effective photovoltaic charging system.
