Modeling and Evaluation of Slip-Mode Frequency Shift Method for Anti-islanding Method

슬립모드 방식을 이용한 단독운전 검출기법의 모델링과 평가

  • Published : 2005.07.04


Islanding phenomenon is undesirable because it lead to a safety hazard to utility service personnel and may cause damage to power generation and power supply facilities as a result of unsynchronized reclosure. In order to prevent this phenomenon, various anti-islanding methods have been studied. Even though the slip mode frequency shift (SMS) method has been regarded as a highly effective anti-islanding method, the analytical design method of that was not cleared. This paper proposes a modeling of the SMS method using non-detection zone (NDZ) and evaluation of the method according to the test conditions of IEEE Std. 929-2000. The SMS method is derived analytically through the modeling and verified visually by simulation and experiment.
