Proceedings of the KIPE Conference (전력전자학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.07a
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- Pages.366-369
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- 2005
Development of 2500kW Series Resonant Inverter for Induction Smelting
2500kW 유도용해용 직렬공진형 인버터 개발
- Yoo, Hyo-Yol (Dawonsys Co., LTD.) ;
- Shim, Eun-Yong (Dawonsys Co., LTD.) ;
- Jung, Dae-Hwhan (Dawonsys Co., LTD.) ;
- Kang, Jae-Bong (Dawonsys Co., LTD.) ;
- Kang, Ho-Hyun (Soongsil University) ;
- Kim, Wang-Rae (Soongsil University)
- 유효열 ((주)다원시스) ;
- 심은용 ((주)다원시스) ;
- 정대환 ((주)다원시스) ;
- 강재봉 ((주)다원시스) ;
- 강호현 (숭실대학교 전기제어시스템공학부) ;
- 김왕래 (숭실대학교 전기제어시스템공학부)
- Published : 2005.07.04
The smelting system using induction heating technology has many advantages over conventional fossil fuel regarding energy efficiency, environmental aspect and so on. This paper introduces the principal and technical trends of Induction heating technology, and describes recently developed 2500kW induction smelting inverter, The developed inverter is a series resonant type using high speed Thyristor (SCR) and employs state-of-art digital controller using DSP.