통합해사협약의 제정과 경과

A Study on the Establishment and Progress of the Consolidated Maritime Labour Convention

  • 지상원 (한국해양대학교 해사수송과학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


Between 1920 and 1996, a total of 39 Conventions, 29 Recommendations and one Protocol were adopted by the International Labour conference. But Many ILO Instruments were outdated, deficient and not reflective of modern practice, many contained technical detail which discouraged ratification and were thus ineffective. However, many issues which had become relevant were not covered by existing instruments. Therefore, the Governing Body of ILO, at its 262nd Session(March-April 1995), decided to set up a Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards. It was decided that the Working Party would examine the need for revision of all maritime Conventions and Recommendations adopted before 1985 with a view to rejuvenating and strengthening the standard-setting system. The Working Party initiated its examination of maritime instruments during 273rd Session(November 1998) of the Governing Body. The review made by the Working Party has concluded that of the maritime Conventions examined, seven of them are obsolete and should be revised, 13 should be denounced and six were considered either up to date or were identified for promotion, most of which were approved by the Governing Body. The consolidated maritime labour convention will be adopted in February 2006.
