Logic-based Fuzzy Neural Networks based on Fuzzy Granulation

  • Kwak, Keun-Chang (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Hwa (Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Hanbat National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.02


This paper is concerned with a Logic-based Fuzzy Neural Networks (LFNN) with the aid of fuzzy granulation. As the underlying design tool guiding the development of the proposed LFNN, we concentrate on the context-based fuzzy clustering which builds information granules in the form of linguistic contexts as well as OR fuzzy neuron which is logic-driven processing unit realizing the composition operations of T-norm and S-norm. The design process comprises several main phases such as (a) defining context fuzzy sets in the output space, (b) completing context-based fuzzy clustering in each context, (c) aggregating OR fuzzy neuron into linguistic models, and (c) optimizing connections linking information granules and fuzzy neurons in the input and output spaces. The experimental examples are tested through two-dimensional nonlinear function. The obtained results reveal that the proposed model yields better performance in comparison with conventional linguistic model and other approaches.
