A Note on State Estimation Problems for Perspective Linear Systems Corrupted by Noises

  • Kondo, Ryota (Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Denki University) ;
  • Abdursul, Rixat (The 21st Century COE Project, Tokyo Denki University) ;
  • Inaba, Hiroshi (Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Denki University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.02


Perspective dynamical systems arise in machine vision problems, in which only perspective observation is available. This paper considers the state estimation problem for a rigid body moving in three dimensional spaces using the image data obtained by a CCD camera or some other means. Because the motion of the rigid body and the observed data are generally corrupted by noises, it is necessary to seek a state estimation method to reduce the influence of the noises. In this paper, by means of computer simulations for a simple example, we examine the sensitivity to the noises of the nonlinear observer developed in the recent paper ([1] R. Abdursul, H. Inaba and B. Ghosh, Nonlinear observers for perspective time-invariant linear systems, Automatica, vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 481-490, 2004) and the effectiveness of the Extended Kalman Filter.
