섬유거푸집을 적용한 비탈면의 안정성 평가

Evaluation of slope stability with Fabric Form

  • 발행 : 2005.10.07


The soil nailing system at permanent slope reinforcement is used with various facing methods in Korea. Also, pressure-injected grout technique is variously applied to many structures. However, most design of the pressure-injected grout technique have been carried out empirically because of complicated mechanisms associated with the behavior of surrounding soils and the hardening process of cement grout. Therefore this study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PGSN (Pressure Grouting Soil Nailing) system with fabric form is developed to increase the global stability. Up to now, the PGSN system has been estimated mainly focusing on an establishment of the design procedure. In the present study, numerical study are carried out to evaluate potential failure surface and minimum factor of safety including facing stiffness and expanded radius of cemented grout by SSR (Shear Strength Reduction) technique. Also, results of numerical analysis are carried out for the typical section of soil nails slope using $FLAC^{2D}$ program for expanded effective radius by pressure grouting.
