Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.10a
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- Pages.405-416
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- 2005
Development and Practical Use of Rubblization Method
원위치파쇄기층화 공법의 개발 및 실용화 연구
- Ko, Seok-Beom (Technology Research Institute, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd.) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Taek (Technology Research Institute, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd.) ;
- Lee, Young-Chul (Technology Research Institute, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd.) ;
Lee, Seung-Woo
(Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kangnung National University)
- Published : 2005.10.07
The rubblization technique is breaking the aged concrete pavement slab into rubblized concrete aggregate, and use it as an base material at its original position, then builds overlay above the rubblized base. This method has been successively used in USA due to the advantage of good contructibility, cost-effectiveness as well as the capability of preventing of reflection cracks. However, constructibility and economic performance of rubblization on typical Korean concrete pavements needed to be investigate since to typical Korean concrete pavements have thick slab, as well include lean concrete subbase course. This stud explored optimum breaking depth and suggested minimum 10cm based on reflection crack simulation test. Also proper head shape and impact energy were investigated based on small breaking field tests. It was found that