Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.03a
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- Pages.1461-1467
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- 2005
A Study on a Self-supported Earth Retaining Wall with Stabilizing Piles
억지말뚝을 이용한 자립식 흙막이 공법의 개발
Sim, Jae-Uk
(KOLON Engineering & Construction Co., LTD.) ;
- Back, Sung-Kwon (KOLON Engineering & Construction Co., LTD.)
- Published : 2005.03.25
In this study, a new earth retention system has been developed and introduced. This system is a self-supported earth retaining wall without struts. The new earth retention system consists of connected double H-pile and wale. This system provides a larger spacing of support, economical benefit, construction easiness, good performance and safety. This paper explains basic principles and mechanism of self-supported earth retaining wall. In order to investigate applicability and safety of this system, numerical analysis was performed. The finite differential method program, FLAC3D is used. The predicted performances of this system were presented and discussed.