Reliability analysis of surface settlement by groundwater drawdown from tunnel excavation

터널굴착시 지하수위저하에 의한 지표침하의 신뢰성 해석

  • Published : 2005.03.25


In this paper, reliability analysis of surface settlement by ground water drawdown is performed using a reliability-groundwater flow numerical model. The result is compared with that of the deterministic model to evaluate the influence of the uncertainty from hydraulic conductivity in the soft ground as well as to determine the range of hydraulic conductivity of grouted ground. From the analyses, it was found that probability of failure to exceed the tolerable settlement was very high, if the hydraulic conductivity of grouted ground is decided from the deterministic flow model only. Reliability analysis which evaluates variance of hydraulic conductivity should be used together with the deterministic model for grouting design of tunnels to prevent ground water drawdown.
