지진하중에 의한 구조물 파괴형상 변화에 대한 메조스케일 해석

  • 김주환 (연세대학교 사회환경 시스템 공학부) ;
  • 홍정욱 ;
  • 임윤묵 (연세대학교 사회환경 시스템 공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.18


A lattice model of a typical bridge column section is analyzed, and results are presented. The lattice is built as an ensemble of line elements and masses, that can capture strain rate dependency of concrete material. The research mainly breaks up into two parts: First, a micro level analysis of the material is executed, and control parameters of the governing equations are derived by matching the results with the common macroscopic properties of concrete material. Then, the properties exhibited by the micro model, which extends the classical material properties are applied to the mesoscale model. Hence, the analysis of the target structure can be performed. In the mesoscale analysis, ramp-like impulse loads are applied at different velocity, so that the contribution of the material level rate dependency to the global behavior of the structure can be tracked.
