머리전달함수를 이용한 로봇의 화자 위치 추정

Detection of Speaker Position for Robot Using HRTF

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


We propose a sound source localization method using the Head-Related-Transfer-Function (HRTF) to be implemented in a given platform. HRTFs contain not only the information regarding proper time delays but also phase and magnitude distortions due to diffraction and scattering by the shading object. Therefore, a set of HRTFs for any given platform provides a substantial amount of information as to the whereabouts of the source. In this study, we introduce new phase criterion in order to find the sound source location in accordance with the HRTF database empirically obtained in an anechoic chamber with the given platform. Using this criterion, we analyze the estimation performance of the proposed method in a household environment.
