가공 송전선의 사고 및 낙뢰 검출을 위한 새로운 하이브리드 센서

A Novel Hybrid Fault Location Sensor Employable to the Power Transmission Systems

  • 발행 : 2005.07.07


In this work, a novel hybrid FL sensor consisting of two Rogowski coils has been designed for the installation on the ground wire of the transmission tower. The operation range of these coils is as follows: 30kA for the fault current comingfrom the ground fault or short-circuit and for the lightning current up to 150kA over 500kHz. Thus, two important functions could be provided: one is to detect the fault current and the other one is to find the fault location between towers or the location of induced lightning stroke. The on-site investigation at 800kV test yard has been under progress for its on-site application.
