폐기물 열분해 가스화용융 기술

The Gasification & Melting Treatment Technology of Waste

  • 허일상 ((주)대우건설 플랜트사업본부)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The worldwide trend of waste treatment technology is rapidly transferring from "incineration system" to "gasification & melting system" which can derive the resources from waste and charge no more environmental burden to nature. And therefore it is necessary to adopt gasification & melting system to prevent the land pollution and to solve the problem of landfill area. Among several thermal waste treatment processes gasification and melting system is the representative process which can transfer waste to resources such as syn-gas, molten slag, metal hydroxide, mixed salt and sulfur through the process of compaction, pyrolysis, gasification and melting.
