A Study of Grouting Design Method in Tunnel Under Grorundwater

지하수 영향을 받는 터널에서의 막장전면그라우팅 설계기법에 관한 연구

  • 안성율 ((주)사이텍이엔씨) ;
  • 안경철 ((주)태조엔지니어링 지반터널부) ;
  • 강세구 ((주)태조엔지니어링 지반터널부)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


This Paper present design parameters of grouting by reviewing several published equations and the results of coupled analysis considering the difference of permeability between soil and grouted zone. Also, the feasibility of couped analysis in the design of grouting is studied for seeping water quantity into tunnel, displacement of tunnel face, drawing down of groud water table, settlement of ground and stress of tunnel supports.
