Overview of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Protection Technology in Tunnel Construction

터널 건설에 따른 환경영향 평가 및 대응기술 개발 방향

  • Bae Gyu-Jin (Geotechnical Engineering Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
  • 배규진 (한국건설기술연구원 지반연구부)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


The environmental influence in tunnel construction is the drying of the ground water, the drop of the ground water level, and noise and vibration by tunnel excavation. The environmental influence can cause the change of natural ecosystem and the source of popular complaints. In case of popular complaints, the tunnel construction can be stopped or the construction period can be extended. Also, the financial loss may be reached to hundreds of billions won. The technology development to minimize the environmental influence in the tunnel construction is very important in order to control popular complaints and to preserve ecosystem. It should be required the investigation, the evaluation, and the assessment of environmental impact to reduce environmental influence in the tunnel construction. The objective of this research is to review the environmental impact assessment in Korea and to introduce the environmental protection technology which minimizes the environmental influence generated in the tunnel construction.
