도시철도역사의 저압선로 및 기기에서의 지락사고 방지 방안에 관한 검토

A Study on ground fault at low voltage line and apparatus in urban railway station

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


In the station of the railway and the subway various illumination equipment and a general power equipment for a passenger convenience, the signal equipment and the communication equipment which is necessary to the train operation provided. At the all of like this equipment from the electric room which is established in each station by changing from high voltage to low voltage and it supplies from the illumination transformer, the power transformer and the signal transformer. If it supplies to the equipment from the high voltage to the low voltage, it must be established to contact protection device in between the high voltage coil and the low voltage coil. Also it must do the grounding faulting device at the low voltage lines, the earthing devices at apparatus for the protection of an electric shock and an electric fire by the electric relation law. Compared the related regulations between the facilities which require protective functions such as grounding fault or earthing in public utilities like subway stations, and the facilities which do not require line earthing or protective functions such as electricity supplied for signalling the train. Also, will describe a countermeasure for the accident from a grounding fault.
