보통 및 저열시멘트를 이용한 고강도 콘크리트의 자기수축응력 및 건조수축응력 특성

The Properties of Stress Induced by Autogenous Shrinkage and Dry Shrinkage for High Strength Concrete Using Type I and Type IV Cement

  • 이웅종 (쌍용양회공업(주) 기술연구소 콘크리트연구실) ;
  • 엄태선 (쌍용양회공업(주) 기술연구소 콘크리트연구실) ;
  • 이종열 (쌍용양회공업(주) 기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


In this study, the properties of autogenous shrinkage stress and dry shrinkage stress for high strength concrete using Type I and Type IV cement were discussed. According to experimental results, autogenous shrinkage stress of SN30(the high strength concrete using type I cement) shows values higher than SL30(the high strength concrete using type IVcement). It is observed that the total shrinkage stress of SN30 is higher than that of SL30, because the ratio of autogenous shrinkage stress of the total shrinkage stress is relatively large. Therefore, SL30 is more effective to control or minimize the cracking of the high strength concrete, compared with SN30.
