Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference (한국방사성폐기물학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.11b
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- Pages.280-289
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- 2005
Acceptable Decontamination Factor for Near-Surface Disposal of PEACER Wastes
- Kim, Sung-Il (Dept. of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Lee, Kun-Jai
(Dept. of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Published : 2005.11.01
A pyrochemical process has been introduced and utilized so that the transmutation of spent PWR fuel in PEACER can produce mainly low and intermediate level waste for near surface disposal. Major radioactive nuclides from PEACER pyroprocessing are composed of TRU and LLFP. In this study, the requirement for the final waste from PEACER is evaluated based on the methodology for establishment of waste acceptance criteria. Also, sensitivity analysis for several input parameters is conducted in order to determine acceptable decontamination factor (DF) and LLFP removal efficiency and to find out input parameter that extremely have an effect on DE As a result of the study, LLFP removal efficiency, especially Sr-90 and Tc-99, is proved to be a major nuclide which contributes to annual dose by human intrusion scenario rather than TRU DF. More than