반구형 SIL을 이용한 미디어 내부 이층 근접장 광 기록계의 설계

Design of Cover Layer Incident Dual-Layer Near-Field Recording Optics with Hemispherical SIL

  • 김완진 (연세대학교 정보저장기기연구센터) ;
  • 최현 (연세대학교 정보저장기기연구센터) ;
  • 송태선 (연세대학교 정보저장기기연구센터) ;
  • 박노철 (연세대학교 정보저장기기연구센터) ;
  • 박영필 (연세대학교 정보저장기기연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


In this paper, we propose novel optics design for media inside near-field recording (NFR) using hemispherical solid immersion lens (HMS). To obtain strong advantage of data protection and high data capacity simultaneously, HMS based near field optics using aplanatic position of super hemisphere is designed. In this design, to improve small optical tolerance of this aplanatic position, additional aspheric lens surface is added on top of the HMS and it is combined with zoom optics which composed of two single lenses having low numerical aperture (NA). Also, to compensate chromatic aberration which happens seriously in optics using blue laser diode, diffractive optical element is used. Using zoom optics, additional aspheric lens surface, and diffractive optical element together, wavefront aberration and chromatic aberration are effectively reduced in broad range of cover layer thickness and wavelength variation. In addition, In this paper, effect of gap induced aberration is investigated by analyzing different behavior of each TM and TE wave for designed media inside dual-layer NFR optics.
