• Yoon Jong-suk (Department of Geoinfonnatic Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Shan Jie (Department of Geoinfonnatic Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


This study addresses a photogrammetric approach to generate Mars topographic products from mapping data of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). High-resolution stereo images and laser altimetry data collected from the MGS mission are combined and processed to produce Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and orthoimages. First, altimeter data is registered to high resolution images and considerable registration offset (around 325 m) is discovered on high resolution stereo images. Altimetry data, exterior orientation elements of the camera and conjugate points are used for bundle adjustment to solve this mis-registration and detennine the ground coordinates. The mis-registration of altimetry data are effectively eliminated after the bundle adjustment. Using the adjusted exterior orientation the ground coordinates of conjugate points are detennined. A sufficient number of corresponding points collected through image matching and their precise 3-D ground coordinates are used to generate DEM and orthoimages. A posteriori standard deviations of ground points after bundle adjustment indicate the accuracy of OEM generated in this study. This paper addresses the photogrammetric procedure: the registration of altimetry data to stereo pair images, the bundle adjustment and the evaluation, and the generation of OEM and orthoimages.
