대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 2005년도 제36회 하계학술대회 논문집 B
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- Pages.1252-1254
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- 2005
전도냉각방식을 이용한 고온초전도 코일의 퀜치전류 측정
Quench Current Measurement of High Temperature Superconducting Coils Cooled by Conduction
(한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
(한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
(한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
- 이언용 (한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
- 이재득 (한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
(한국전기연구원 초전도응용연구그룹) ;
- 권운식 (두산중공업(주) 기술연구원) ;
- 박희주 (두산중공업(주) 기술연구원) ;
- 문태선 (두산중공업(주) 기술연구원) ;
(두산중공업(주) 기술연구원)
Sohn, M.H.
Kim, S.H.
Baik, S.K.
- Lee, E.Y. ;
- Lee, J.D. ;
Kwon, Y.K.
- Kwon, W.S. ;
- Park, H.J. ;
- Moon, T.S. ;
Kim, Y.C.
- 발행 : 2005.07.18
High Tc superconducting(HTS) model coil was prepared. Current-voltage(I-V) characteristic curves of model coil, sub-coils and joints were investigated at 77K and other some temperatures. Cooling system for characteristics measurement was made by using G-M cryocooler. At 77K, quench current(Iq) of model coil was 43.9A and the lowest Iq of sub-coils was 38.8A. At 55K, sub coil SP #06 was 106A. So, 100A was chosen as the operating current at 55K with margin. Joule heat of model coil was 0.65W at 100A, operating current and 58K. Joint resistances between sub-coils were about