Proceedings of the KSCN Conference (대한지역사회영양학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2004.12a
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- Pages.106-106
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- 2004
A Study on the nutritive conditions of resident in SeongDonggu events
지역행사를 통한 성동구 주민의 영양 실태 조사
- Lee, Kyung-Hee (SeongDong public health center) ;
- Kyun, Soon-Hyung (Department of food and nutrition, Hanyang womea's college) ;
- Lee, Bo-Sook (Department of food and nutrition, Hanyang womea's college) ;
- Jeon, Hye-Joung (SeongDong public health center) ;
- Park, Hye-Ryeun (Deparment of food and nutrition, Myungji University)
- Published : 2004.12.04