S.I.G 공법으로 선단보강된 강관말뚝의 지지거동

The Behavior of Bearing Capacity of Steel Pipe Piles Reinforced by Super Injection Grouting at Pile Tip

  • 박영호 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 김낙영 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 육정훈 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 최진오 (LG건설 토질 및 기초팀)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.25


Reinforced twice than width of foundation with SIC under steel piles drived in cohesion soil and in the coal-limestone which heavily fractured. To analyze behaviour characteristic of steel piles, load transfer test was performed to steel piles attached with strain gauges to axial direction. After it passed 49days, dynamic load test was performed to set-up effect of steel piles bearing capacity. The results of test were compared to each other. According to the results, as the skin friction of steel pile was on the same condition, end bearing capacity of steel piles established on SIC solid of cemented milk in cohesion soil was three times than steel piles established on SIG solid of cemented milk in heavily fractured coal- limestone. After piles were driven and passes 49days, in case of piles on SIG solid of comented milk in cohesion soil the increaes of allowable bearing capacity was 442.9% and allowable bearing capacity of piles on SIG solid of cemented milk in heavily fractured coal-limestone increased 22.4%.
