Texture Analysis and Classification Using Wavelet Extension and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix for Defect Detection in Small Dimension Images

  • 발행 : 2004.08.25


Texture analysis is an important role for automatic visual insfection. This paper presents an application of wavelet extension and Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) for detection of defect encountered in textured images. Texture characteristic in low quality images is not to easy task to perform caused by noise, low frequency and small dimension. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a procedure called wavelet image extension. Wavelet extension procedure is used to determine the frequency bands carrying the most information about the texture by decomposing images into multiple frequency bands and to form an image approximation with higher resolution. Thus, wavelet extension procedure offers the ability to robust feature extraction in images. Then the features are extracted from the co-occurrence matrices computed from the sub-bands which performed by partitioning the texture image into sub-window. In the detection part, Mahalanobis distance classifier is used to decide whether the test image is defective or non defective.
