한국통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference)
- 한국통신학회 2004년도 하계종합학술발표회논문초록집
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- Pages.23-23
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- 2004
Optimized Modulation Modes for Adaptive OFDM systems
- Lee Sang-Min (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Kwon Yeong-Hyeon (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Park Dong-Jo (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Jung Sung-Yoon (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology)
- 발행 : 2004.07.01