Full-Color AMOLED with RGBW Pixel Pattern

  • Amold, A.D. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Hatwar, T.K. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Hettel, M.V. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Kane, P.J. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Miller, M.E. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Murdoch, M.J. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Spindler, J.P. (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Slyke, S.A. Van (Eastman Kodak Company) ;
  • Mameno, K. (SANYO Electric co., Ltd.) ;
  • Nishikawa, R. (SANYO Electric ce., Ltd) ;
  • Omura, T. (SANYO Electric ce., Ltd) ;
  • Matsumoto, S. (SANYO Electric ce., Ltd)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.23


A full-color AMOLED display with an RGBW color filter pattern has been fabricated. Displays with this format require about $^1/_2$ the power of analogous RGB displays. RGBW and RGB 2.16inch diagonal displays with average power consumptions of 180 mW and 340 mW, respectively, are demonstrated for a set of standard digital still camera images at a luminance of 100 cd/$m^2$. In both cases, a white-emitting AMOLED is used as the light source. The higher efficiency of the RGBW format results because a large fraction of a typical image can be represented as white, and the white sub-pixel in an RGBW AMOLED display is highly efficient because of the absence of any color filter. RGBW and RGB AMOLED displays have the same color gamut and, aside from the power consumption difference, are indistinguishable.
