Sliding Plastic Rollable Bistable LCD

  • Buchnev, O. (Institute of Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine) ;
  • Reshetnyak, V. (Institute of Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine) ;
  • Reznikov, Yu. (Institute of Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine) ;
  • Tereshchenko, O. (Institute of Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine) ;
  • Dusheiko, M. (National Technical University of Ukraine) ;
  • Cross, L. (Visson Ukraine Technology) ;
  • Kwon, Soon-Bum (Department of Digital Display Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.23


We developed a rollable bistable LCD whose substrates are bonded by elastic glue and slide over one other when the LCD is rolled. We produced a 2.5 inch active area, 16x16 pixels prototype and demonstrated multifold bending and rolling of the display in a tube with 2 cm diameter.
