High Performance Computing 환경을 위한 고성능, 무정지 파일시스템 구현

The development of the high effective and stoppageless file system for high performance computing

  • 발행 : 2004.11.05


In the current high network-centralized computing and enterprising environment, it is getting essential to transmit data reliably at very high rates. Until now previous client/server model based NFS(Network File System) or AFS(Andrew's Files System) have met the various demands but from now couldn't satisfy those of the today's scalable high-performance computing environment. Not only performance but data sharing service redundancy have risen as a serious problem. In case of NFS, the locking issue and cache cause file system to reboot and make problem when it is used simply as ip-take over for H/A service. In case of AFS, it provides file sharing redundancy but it is not possible until the storage supporting redundancy and equipments are prepared. Lustre is an open source based cluster file system developed to meet both demands. Lustre consists of three types of subsystems : MDS(Meta-Data Server) which offers the meta-data services, OST(Objec Storage Targets) which provide file I/O, and Lustre Clients which interact with OST and MDS. These subsystems with message exchanging and pursuing scalable high-performance file system service. In this paper, we compare the transmission speed of gigabytes file between Lustre and NFS on the basis of concurrent users and also present the high availability of the file system by removing more than one OST in operation.
