Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference (한국의학물리학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2004.11a
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- Pages.115-118
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- 2004
Dose perturbation measurements during the liver treatment with internal organ motion: Mathematical modeling and Experimental simulation
호흡에 의한 내부 움직임의 영향이 있는 간에서의 실험적 선량 측정
Chung, Jin-Bum
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
Kim, Yon-Lae
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
Chung, Won-Kyun
(Dapartment of Radiation Sciences, Seoul Heathy College) ;
Suh, Tae-Suk
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
- Published : 2004.11.26
Respiratory motion in the thorax and abdomen is an important limiting factor in high-precision radiation therapy. The lung tumor and tumor(pancreas, stomach) in abdomen therefore are internal motion due to breathing. We will perform to measurement of dose distributions for these moving tumors. In preliminary study, we investigated displacement of moving tumor such as liver, lung tumor in abdomen with previously reported papers. With reference data, internal movements of tumor are displayed with phantom and moving control device(MCD), which appear three dimension (3-D) motion such as x, y and z axis. These devices are used to access dose delivered in tumor with and without internal motion. The MCD and phantom were used to evaluate a delivered dose under similar condition, although there are not same internal tumor motion. In future, we will obtain the exact evaluation of dose if improved in programed software of moving control device and measure precise internal motion using image modality such as fluoroscopy, simulator in based on this study.
우리의 연구는 호흡에 의해 움직임의 영향을 받는 장기 및 종양에 대해서 조사된 선량분포를 측정하는 것이다. 이 연구를 수행하기 위해, 사전연구로 이전에 발표된 논문을 토대로 호흡에 의해 장기 및 종양의 움직임 변위를 조사하였다. 그리고 조사된 데이터를 활용하여 호흡에 따른 움직임을 구동 시스템을 적용하여 구현하였다. 내부 움직임에 의한 선량분포의 변화를 측정하기 위해서 이 구동 팬톰 시스템을 사용하였다. 이 결과로부터 호흡에 환자의 조사되는 선량분포의 부정확 정도를 평가할 수 있었다.