Improved Arctic Ocean Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy Results from the Yermak Plateau (ODP Leg 151 : Site 910A)

  • 남승일 (한국지질자원연구원 석유해저연구부) ;
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  • Published : 2004.06.01


As an important contribution to the planed drilling (IODP) in the central part of the Arctic Ocean, we are currently working on a refined chronostratigraphy for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 16 to MIS 2 on the exciting material from ODP Site 910A (Leg 151) which has been recovered from the marginal Eastern Arctic Ocean (the Yermak Plateau - the Atlantic/Arctic Ocean Gateway). Several stratigraphic age fix-points support the interpretation of the stable oxygen. isotope record of planktonic foraminifer N, pachyderma sin. that is punctuated by several short-term meltwater events. We believe that our new record will serve as 'the important correlating tool for establishing a basic stratigraphy for the Quaternary Arctic Ocean as well as for generating high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the central Arctic Ocean. Furthermore, our study will provide reference stratigraphic data sets for interpreting the micropaleontological, sedimentological and organic / inorganic - geochemical proxies of the new boreholes that will be drilled on the Lomonosov Ridge(Central Arctic Ocean) in the frame of the "Arctic Coring Expedition' (ACEX, IODP) in summer 2004.
