부산석회를 활용한 휴ㆍ폐 석탄광산 폐기물에서 유출된 침출수의 안정화

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Objectives of this research were to reclaim the coal mine overburdens using the lime waste cake from the soda ash production by stabilizing the overburden slopes, introducing neutralizing the AMD from runoff and leachate in an attempt find the sink to dispose the lime wastes and alleviate the environmental problems caused by the closed coal mines. The pH changes of the runoff and leachate collected in the tanks at the end of the experimental plots, averaged over measurements from April to August, indicated that the runoff pH of the coal overburden was 4.3 but increased significantly to the ranges of 6.7 to 7.1 with treatments of tile calcites and lime wastes. This might be related with the decreases in Fe concentrations in the runoff and leachate from the coal overburdens. The Fe concentrations in tile runoff seemed to increase with the amounts of precipitation. Results demonstrated that the amounts of lime wastes at 25% of the lime requirement were sufficient for neutralizing the acidic coal overburden. Either layering between the coal waste and topsoil or mixing with coal overburdens could be adopted as the lime waste treatment method. The lime wastes from the soda ash production might have a potential to be recycled for the reclamation of the abandoned coal mines to alleviate the environmental problems associated with coal mine waste.
