345kV XLPE 소도체 Cable용 접속함의 개발

Development of Accessories for 345kV XLPE Cable with Small Size Conductor

  • 발행 : 2004.07.14


Taihan Electric Wire Co. developed accessories(PJ, EB-G, EB-A, EB-O) for 345kV XLPE $1C{\times}600mm^2$ cable as a small size conductor cable, after installed 345kV XLPE $1C{\times}600mm^2$ cable, PJ and EB-G on Youngseo${\sim}$Youngdeungpo project KEPCO planed in 2003. All of 345kV XLPE $1C{\times}600mm^2$ cable Accessories are finished the type tests successfully. Straight joint as a Prefabricated Joint(PJ) had shorter the days of assembling than those of TMJ used on the 154kV XLPE Cable. Particularly, the use of clean booth to prevent the dusts and the penetration of water also had made the quality of jointing improved.
