새만금 방조제 내측사면의 식생환경 조사

A Study for the Environment of Vegetation to the Inside Slope of Sea Dike

  • 발행 : 2003.10.31


A study was performed to examine the soil environment, vegetation type to the inside slope of sea dike. The soil pH was about 8.5, electric conductivity was $4.59dSm^{-1}$, soil strength was 12.1mm, organic matter was 0.21%. The vascular plants of the inside slope of sea dike were consisted of 101 taxa such as 26 families, 80 genera, 93 species, 8 varieties, 1 hybrid. The life cycle of the plants was annual 38.6%, biennial 14.8%, perennial 46.5%. As it compared with consistency ratio in the flora of korea, the distribution of annual, biennial appeared highly. From this examine, it appears that the environment need soil improvement using water holding materials and organic supplements.
