우리나라 축산용 천층지하수 수질 특성

Characteristics of ground water quality for livestock purpose in Korea


This survey was carried out to investigate the chemical characteristics of ground water for livestock purpose and to estimate the influence of ground water quality by livestock farming. Water samples were collected three times in 2000, and analyzed for theirs chemical compositions using Korean Standard Methods for Water Quality. The EC of ground water was from 0.214 to 0.474 dS/m. $NO_3-N$ contamination range was from 3.56 to 11.81. The $SO_4{^{2-}}$ was $4.31{\sim}69.37mg/L$ and CI was $12.75{\sim}41.46mg/L$. The data of ground water quality indicated suitable quality for livestock. Also, the concentration of heavy metals in the sample could not make damage to the animals. The $NO_3-N$ concentration of the water by times are as follows: October (8.19 mg/L) > July (7.65 mg/L) > April (4.04 mg/L) with no significant differences during the livestock farming period. The average quality of groundwater for livestock is good for its purpose, and it was showed there was few influence by livestock farming.
