A Bayesian Model-based Clustering with Dissimilarities

  • 발행 : 2003.10.31


A Bayesian model-based clustering method is proposed for clustering objects on the basis of dissimilarites. This combines two basic ideas. The first is that tile objects have latent positions in a Euclidean space, and that the observed dissimilarities are measurements of the Euclidean distances with error. The second idea is that the latent positions are generated from a mixture of multivariate normal distributions, each one corresponding to a cluster. We estimate the resulting model in a Bayesian way using Markov chain Monte Carlo. The method carries out multidimensional scaling and model-based clustering simultaneously, and yields good object configurations and good clustering results with reasonable measures of clustering uncertainties. In the examples we studied, the clustering results based on low-dimensional configurations were almost as good as those based on high-dimensional ones. Thus tile method can be used as a tool for dimension reduction when clustering high-dimensional objects, which may be useful especially for visual inspection of clusters. We also propose a Bayesian criterion for choosing the dimension of the object configuration and the number of clusters simultaneously. This is easy to compute and works reasonably well in simulations and real examples.
