The Effect of Auditory Feedback on Fundamental Frequencies: The Comparision Among Children with Cochlear Implantation, With Hearing Aids, and With Normal Hearing

청각적 피드백이 기본주파수에 주는 영향: 와우이식 아동, 보청기 사용아동, 및 건청아동 간의 비교

  • 윤미선 (나사렛대학교 재활학부 언어치료학과) ;
  • 김종선 (서울대학교 의과대학 이비인후과)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of auditory feedback on fundamental frequencies in prelingulally deaf children. Participants totaled three groups of sixty children: deaf children with cochlear implantation(CI), deaf children with hearing aids (HA), and children with normal hearing(NH). Fundamental frequencies were measured during sustained phonation of /a/. There were statistically significant differences of fundamental frequencies across the groups(p<.01). In post hoc analysis, HA and NH group showed statistically significant differences, but CI group didn't. In correlation analysis between Fo and the chronological age, there were significant negative tendencies in CI and NH group, but not in HA group. The characteristics of fundamental frequencies in CI group were found similar to NH group than HA group in this study. This could be understood as the effect of relatively sufficient auditory feedback after cochlear implantation.
