Design and Construction of Korean-Spoken English Corpus (K-SEC)

한국인의 영어 음성코퍼스 설계 및 구축

  • 이석재 (연세대학교 영어영문학과) ;
  • 이숙향 (원광대학교 영어영문학과) ;
  • 강석근 (원광대학교 영어영문학과) ;
  • 이용주 (원광대학교 전기전자 및 정보공학부)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


K-SEC(Korean-Spoken English Corpus) is a kind of speech database that is being under construction by the authors of this paper. This article discusses the needs of the K-SEC from various academic disciplines and industrial circles, and it introduces the characteristics of the K-SEC design, its catalogues and contents of the recorded database, exemplifying what are being considered from both Korean and English languages' phonetics and phonologies. The K-SEC can be marked as a beginning of a parallel speech corpus, and it is suggested that a similar corpus should be enlarged for the future advancements of the experimental phonetics and the speech information technology.
