변조좌표계를 이용한 비대칭/비등방 회전체의 모드 해석

Modal analysis of asymmetric/anisotropic rotor system using modulated coordinates

  • 서정환 (KAIST 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 홍성욱 (금오공과대학교 기계공학) ;
  • 이종원 (KAIST 대학원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


A new modal analysis method for rotor systems with periodically time-varying parameters is proposed. The essence of method is to introduce modulated coordinates to derive the equivalent time-invariant equation. This paper presents a modal analysis method using modulated coordinates fur general rotors, of which rotating and stationary parts both possess asymmetric properties. The equation of motion with time-varying parameters is transformed to an infinite order matrix equation with the time-invariant parameters. A theory of modal analysis for the system is presented with the infinite order equation and a couple of reduced order equations. A numerical example with simple asymmetric rotor is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method
