A Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primer to assist the Identification of Panax ginseng in Commercial Ginseng Granule Products

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


Previously, we found the operon random primer (OP-5A) that is characteristic the genus Panax by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. However, OP-5A primer is limited to apply on the differentiation of only crude herbal plants. To construct more sensitive and unique primers on the genus Panax, ginseng-specific DNA profile (350 bp) that was amplified by OP-5A primer were inserted in a plasmid vector in the TA cloning method and sequenced. We designed the PCR primers (Forward: 5"-AGGGGTCTTGCTAT AGCGGAAC-3", Reverse: 5"-AGTCTTAATTTCATATTTTCGTATG-3") and identified the unique ginseng band (350 bp) in commercial granule products including ginseng extracts as well as crude ginseng plants by nascent PCR.(omitted)
