단어 및 단어쌍 별 빈도수를 이용한 문서간 유사도 측정

Measurement of Document Similarity using Word and Word-Pair Frequencies

  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


In this paper, we propose a method to measure document similarity. First, we have exploited single-term method that extracts nouns by using a lexical analyzer as a preprocessing step to match one index to one noun. In spite of irrelevance between documents, possibility of increasing document similarity is high with this method. For this reason, a term-phrase method has been reported. This method constructs co-occurrence between two words as an index to measure document similarity. In this paper, we tried another method that combine these two methods to compensate the problems in these two methods. Six types of features are extracted from two input documents, and they are fed into a neural network to calculate the final value of document similarity. Reliability of our method has been proved by an experiment of document retrieval.
