UltraSPARC(64bit-RISC processor)을 위한 고성능 컴퓨터 리눅스 클러스터링

HPC(High Performance Computer) Linux Clustering for UltraSPARC(64bit-RISC processor)

  • 김기영 (울산대학교 컴퓨터.정보통신공학부) ;
  • 조영록 (울산대학교 컴퓨터.정보통신공학부) ;
  • 장종권 (울산대학교 컴퓨터.정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


We can easily buy network system for high performance micro-processor, progress computer architecture is caused of high bandwidth and low delay time. Coupling PC-based commodity technology with distributed computing methodologies provides an important advance in the development of single-user dedicated systems. Lately Network is joined PC or workstation by computers of high performance and low cost. Than it make intensive that Cluster system is resembled supercomputer. Unix, Linux, BSD, NT(Windows series) can use Cluster system OS(operating system). I'm chosen linux gain low cost, high performance and open technical documentation. This paper is benchmark performance of Beowulf clustering by UltraSPARC-1K(64bit-RISC processor). Benchmark tools use MPI(Message Passing Interface) and NetPIPE. Beowulf is a class of experimental parallel workstations developed to evaluate and characterize the design space of this new operating point in price-performance.
